Pancharaaksharam, is an upcoming Supernatural film, directed by Balaji Vairamuthu. The film revolves around the life of five friends. The first single from the film named 'Theerathae' was released recently, and recieved positive response from the audience.
The makers of the film have now launched the teaser of the film. The minute and a half long video features the five friends in different locations, and from the teaser, the film looks like a racy thriller.
Pancharaaksharam stars Santhosh Pratap, Ashwin Jerome, Gokul, Madhu Shalini and Sana Altaf in lead roles. The music has been scored by Sundaramurthy KS and the project is bankrolled by Vairamuthu, under his banner Paradox Productions.
Catch the Teaser here :