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Snacks and Parking cost at theaters should be regulated, says Kadambur Raju

Since the start of this year, the crowd coming to theaters has dropped significantly. The TFPC strike in March did not help the cause either. However, recently the Mumbai High Court put a regulation that all snacks must be sold at MRP and overpricing of snacks must not be allowed and a few theatres were sued.

In a move similar to that and also to ensure more people come to theatre more regularly, Minister Kadambur Raju released a statement saying he will work to put a regulation on the price of parking and, Food and Beverages in theaters. If this happens, it is indeed a good news for cinema-goers and movie buffs. 


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Vettri theaters MD Rakesh talks about the TFPC's proposals

Following the TFPC's new proposals, many theater owners have had open discussions on their respective Twitter pages. The Managing Director of Vettri Theaters is someone who is quite active on his Twitter handle. He had a lot to say about the happenings. So we got in touch with him to find out what he feels and about his tweets. This is what he had to say";

"Firstly, I have not accepted or denied anything. Nothing is directly against Vishal. He has just given a proposal as of now, and they have not taken this directly to the Exhibitors Board yet. I cannot take any decisions; it is all to be decided by the board together. What I posted on Twitter is just my opinion. Only after they tell the association, discussions, and negotiations will happen and only then we can conclude. We are not selling anything more in the canteens for more than the MRP rates. The government has already put forth the rule that double MRP cannot exist, and from January, we will be following those rules too."

Snacks and Parking cost at theaters should be regulated, says Kadambur Raju

People looking for online information on Food and Beverages, Kadambur Raju, Parking, Theaters will find this news story useful.