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Singer Srinivas supports Blue Sattai Maaran

Blue Sattai Maaran's Vivegam review was the talk of the town for the past three days. Many celebrities have condemned his review for being harsh.

However, singer Srinivas has supported Maaran saying he is impartial in his review. Check out what Srinivas had to say about this issue:

"There has been a lot of criticism about the Blue sattai review of a particular film by people within the film industry. My take is, it is the fundamental right of everybody to do a review of any film. You cannot stop communication in today's world.

You can't hold a gun to the public and make them watch any trash you give them. Respect the public and the reviewer. And today anyone can review a film. That is a fact that you have to get used to.

So I got curious about this Blue Sattai reviews and I was actually amazed at how impartial he is in his reviews. He trashes some films I have suffered and I completely agreed 
to his views. He also has undiluted praise for some films and I share the link of Vikram Vedha which he praises."

Singer Srinivas deleted his Facebook post later in the day.

*Srinivas' statement is not spell-checked

Singer Srinivas supports Blue Sattai Maaran

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