The ongoing popular reality show Bigg Boss Tamil Season 4 has entered into its 72nd day and with this have witnessed high-end dramas to emotional break-downs to many more. The show has witnessed 8 eliminations so far - Rekha, Velmurugan, Suresh, Suchithra, Samyuktha, Sanam Shetty, Jithan Ramesh and Nisha!
The tough competition is amongst the remaining 10 contestants who are trying their best to save themselves to win the title. Archana, Anitha, Ramya Pandian, Gabriella, Shivani, Aari, Rio Raj, Som, Bala and Aajeedh are the ones inside the house currently.
One word that became famous through the reality show is “Favourism” that is being used frequently in the episodes. Well, actually this is not the right word and voicing out a similar opinion is Bhavna Balakrishnan who is one of the popular VJs of South.
She has taken to her Insta story and has a special request, “Guys. This has gone on for too long. There is no word called FAVOURISM! It’s FAVOURI-TI-SM or crying out loud. Why isn’t anyone correcting them? We don’t want kids to pick up wrong English while watching the show!”