The ongoing popular reality show, Bigg Boss Tamil Season 4 is successfully running and has entered its 19th day today on October 23. The show has managed to garner the attention of the audiences who makes sure to remain glued to their screens and not miss any interesting updates.
The show had welcomed 16 contestants from different walks of life like television and film industry, models and many more and the latest one to make her grand entry was popular VJ Archana who indeed has spiced up the show.
It is being speculated that popular singer and RJ Suchitra is all set to enter Bigg Boss 4 as a wildcard contestant. Her social media also suggests that she is currently in a hotel where she is having a great time watching movies.
She had surprised the audiences tweeting, “GVMarmy - May I pls be allowed to start this hashtag. Would love to see you in #BiggBossTamil4 as a wildcard entrant.” However, she had taken down this tweet and later posted, “Always been a #Gautamvasudevmenon fan. Even if I don’t go in as a wildcard into #BiggBossTamil4, he certainly should. Watching #TranceTheMalayalamMovie and he is just superbbbbb. Can generate amazing content am sure!”