Jackie Chan has spoken about the corona virus several times. About last month, he promised a 100 million Yuan, to anyone who could find a cure for the corona virus. Also, Jackie Chan was recently rumored to have been exposed to the corona virus, even to the point of having to be quarantined.

On February 21, the Hong Kong police confirmed that 59 officers were quarantined after attending a retirement police retirement event. Apparently from one guest in attendance, a 48-year-old was found positive for the corona virus.
Rumors on social media immediately blew hard, speculating that Jackie Chan was at the same event. Some even interpret Jackie Chan to be quarantined. But apparently this issue is only gossip, and Jackie Chan has clarified the same in his instagram post!
Mentioning his gratitude for everyone who had enquired after him, "Verified. Thanks for everybody's concern! I'm safe and sound, and very healthy. Please don't worry, I'm not in quarantine. I hope everyone stays safe and healthy too!"