The popular ongoing reality show Bigg Boss Tamil Season 4 has successfully crossed more than 95 days and is currently gearing up for the final phase of the show. The tough competition is amongst the remaining 7 contestants - Aari, Rio Raj, Bala, Ramya Pandian, Som, Gabriella and Shivani.
The reality show had welcomed 16 different contestants from different walks of life like models, newsreaders, singers, actors and so on. And then had welcomed two wild-card contestants to spice up the show.
So far, the show has witnessed 11 evictions - Rekha, Velmurugan, Suresh Chakravarthi, Suchitra, Samyuktha Karthik, Sanam Shetty, Jithan Ramesh, Nisha, Archana, Anitha Sampath and the recent addition was Aajeedh.
Now, Suchi has taken to her social media and took a count about her recent doubt. She wrote, “Just wanted a reflective opinion coz I might go back in. Is Bala bending the rules in tasks to ‘protect’ Shivani?” Check out the video here -