Renowned Singer Doja Cat, during an earlier Instagram live with her followers said “I'm gonna get corona and then I'm gonna get a Corona, cause I don't give a f*** about corona, bitch.It's a flu! Y'all are p***ies. You just take some Mucinex and drink water and tea and sleep -- that's all you gotta do.” She has now tested positive for COVID 19.
In a recent interview, singer and songwriter Doja Cat has revealed that she has been tested positive for the Virus and had contracted the virus, likely through a food delivery app.
She said “I got COVID. Honestly, I don't know how this happens, but I guess I ordered something off of Postmates and I don't know how I got it, but I got it.I'm okay now. It was a four-day symptom freakout, but I'm fine now.”
During her Instagram live session in March, she downplayed the virus and called the Pandemic a mere flu and refused to take necessary precautions for the virus. Fans have been left wondering if at all the carelessness led to her contracting the virus. However, the good news is that Doja is feeling better and is slowly recovering, according to Variety.