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Director Seenu Ramasamy says that one of Oviya's parents has cancer

One actor who has been receiving maximum support from Tamil people all over the world, including celebrities is Oviya. She is an active part of the TV reality show, Bigg Boss and the number of followers for her is outstanding. But director Seenu Ramasamy has taken to Twitter to give us a piece of information, most of us are not aware of.

He Tweeted, ''ஒவியாவிற்கு தந்தை இல்லை தாயாருக்கோ புற்று நோய் என்று முன்பு என்னிடம் சொன்னார்,அவரும் இருக்காரான்னு தெரியாது,அவர் மனஉறுதி எனக்கு இன்ஸ்பிரேஷன். அவர் ஒரு ஆடிஷனில் என்னிடம்  முன்று வருடங்களுக்கு முன்பு சொன்னார்,எல்லாவற்றையும் கடந்துதான் இங்க வெற்றி பெற வேண்டியிருக்கு'', which roughly translates to, ''Oviya lost her father, and I remember she said her mother has cancer, but not sure about her health situation now. Oviya's mental strength is a source of inspiration to me. If you have to win, you need to overcome these pain. She had discussed this during an audition three years back."

It is well known that the Oviya's fun-filled attitude and easy going nature, which is evident from the show has helped her garner a lot of fans. But after knowing this, it is heartwarming to see the young actress showcase so much maturity.

*The Tweet is not spell-checked

Director Seenu Ramasamy says that one of Oviya's parents has cancer

People looking for online information on Oviya, Seenu ramasamy will find this news story useful.