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The popular reality show Bigg Boss season 3 features two Sri Lankan folks, one is the super popular Losliya and the other is the handsome Darshan. The two have established a very strong brother-sister relationship from the very beginning of the this season.

Bigg Boss Losliya stab Sherin's gift for Darshan

While Losliya is having casually romantic encounters with Kavin consistently, Darshan had developed a cute relationship with Sherin. The two have not been very close, but they do playfully romanticise occasionally, for fun.

In the morning of day 25 (18th July) Sherin and Sakshi were preparing breakfast (Chappathi) and Sherin made the dough in the shape of a heart for Darshan and kept it in a plate. Sherin showed Losliya who was passing by her, the heart shaped chappathi and said "This is for your brother Darshan". Losliya, quickly took a knife and stabbed the chappathi and put a hole in the middle and walked away immediately.

Sherin was initially angry with this action, but cooled down immediately. She reported this action of Losliya to Darshan. Darshan later asked Losliya why she did that along with Cheran, for which Losliya replied "I just felt like doing it. If she makes another heart i will do the same again." and went from there casually while Darshan and Cheran were laughing confusedly.



Bigg Boss Losliya stab Sherin's gift for Darshan

People looking for online information on Bigg Boss 3, Darshan, Losliya will find this news story useful.