The ongoing popular reality show Bigg Boss Tamil Season 4 has crossed more than 70 days of its episodes and as it is nearing its end, the tough competition is between the remaining 10 contestants - Archana, Ramya Pandian, Anitha, Shivani, Gabriella, Aari, Rio Raj, Som, Bala and Aajeedh!
As everyone’s eyes are on the contestant as to who would be evicted this time, the makers had introduced open nomination for the contestants when this week began. Each contestant has to nominate 2 other contestants with a proper reason.
But, it didn’t go well when it was Rio Raj’s turn to nominate as he could be seen poking at Anitha and then saying that he would not nominate her and chose two other housemates. Fans were not happy with Rio’s behaviour in this and likewise seems that Bigg Boss Tamil 3 actress Sakshi Agarwal is also not happy with it.
In a video talking about the open nomination’s advantages and how one could improve with this, she said that Rio should not have talked about Anitha in such way and if so, he could have done it separately which might not have left the 2 contestants arguing! Watch here -