Popular reality show Survivor Tamil, hosted by Action King Arjun premiered on Zee Tamil on September 12 amid much anticipation. The adventure-based show will see actors - Vijayalakshmi, Lakshmi Priyaa Chandramouli, Vikranth, Nandaa, Gayathri Reddy, Srushti Dange, Umapathy Ramaiah, Besant Ravi, Parvathy and many others - fighting for their survival as the title suggests in a forest in Africa with minimal resources.
Model-turned-Actress Gayathri Reddy, who made her debut with Thalapathy Vijay's 2019 film 'Bigil', has now spoken out after her eviction from Survivor Tamil show. Although she left the competition in the first week itself, she was in the 'Moondram Ulagam' island (Third world Island) for many days. She won several tasks and left the third world island.