Avengers is a popular series of films produced by Marvel Studios. The last film to release from the series was Avengers: Infinity War. A sequel to Infinity War, and the 22nd movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is under production right now.
Directed by Russo Brothers, this film was announced way back in 2014. Now, the makers of the film have officially announced the title of this film. Titled Avengers: Endgame, the film is all set for a release on April 26, 2019.
It is in the post production stage, and has all the top actors from the previous films, like Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johannson, Chris Hemsworth, etc., reprising their roles as superheroes. Stay tuned for more updates on the film.
Tags : Avengers, Avengers Endgame, Robert Downey Jr