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Akshay Kumar apologizes for waving Indian flag upside down in Women’s World Cup finals

We had reported yesterday (July 23rd) that Akshay Kumar will be watching Women's World Cup live from London. While cheering for team India, Akshay Kumar was waving the Indian flag to cheer Team India, but disappointingly Team India was on the losing side. All the same, they went on to win many hearts.

Today (24th July) Akshay posted a picture from the match on Twitter with the flag. Minutes later there was criticism about it and it did not go well with a few section of the followers on Twitter. The reason being Akshay Kumar was waving the Indian flag upside down.


Akshay soon realized his mistake and deleted the picture and tweeted again. 'Extending my sincerest apology for violating the code of conduct for the tricolour. Didn't mean to offend anyone, the picture has been removed'.


'Akshay Kumar's post not spell-checked'

Akshay Kumar apologizes for waving Indian flag upside down in Women’s World Cup finals

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