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Ajith's photographs displayed at Focus Art Gallery for public viewing

As we all know, Ajith, apart from being one of the most powerful actors in Indian cinema, is also a talented photographer. Photography, driving, and cooking are some of his passions that he enjoys doing in his free time. 

Now, it looks like a few of Ajith's photographs have been put up on display for public viewing at Focus Art Gallery in TTK Road, Alwarpet. Vivegam director Siva has gone to the art gallery to take a look at the photographs, who also shared this information on Twitter.

He tweeted, "Sai sai, Wishing thala ajith sir great happiness as professional photographer also ajithKumarphotography @ focus art gallery ttk road". All Thala fans and passionate photographers, this is your chance to witness Ajith's clicks. 

*tweet is not spell-checked

Ajith's photographs displayed at Focus Art Gallery for public viewing

People looking for online information on Ajith Kumar, Director Siva will find this news story useful.