The movie 'Kaithi' directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj was well received by the audience for its intriguing plot. The story portrays the life of a prisoner who is out after his period of imprisonment. When the prisoner looks forward to live a good life with his abandoned daughter who he will be meeting after years since her birth, he becomes a circumstantial victim that makes him more apprehensive about fulfilling his wish of reuniting with his daughter.
This movie was received well by the critics too. Actor Karthi played the prisoner in the movie and this movie can be considered his break through after a gap. Arjun Das, Narain, Ramana, George Maryan, Malavika Avinash, Amzath Khan and others played their significant roles in the movie.
This movie with multiple actors playing equally significant roles is worth a remake. It is announced that there will be a Hindi remake of this movie starring Ajay Devgn playing the part of Karthi and it is also announced that the release of this remake will be on 21 February 2021. Ajay Devgn confirmed it officially on Twitter. Check it out!