Karthik Subbaraj last directed the 2019 film ‘Petta’, which featured Superstar Rajinikanth. The director is currently awaiting the release of his next movie ‘Jagame Thandhiram’, which stars Dhanush playing the lead and is also engaged with the shoot of Vikram and Dhruv's Chiyaan 60.
Meanwhile, he also produced the Keerthy Suresh starrer ‘Penguin’, which released recently on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video. Post which, his next productional venture, Boomika which is Aishwarya Rajesh’s 25th film might skip its theatrical release.
Meanwhile, his next film that the director is all set to present has been titled as Buffoon and will feature Vaibhav in the lead. The film’s first look and the title of the film was released by celebrity directors such as Gautham Vasudev Menon, Venkat Prabhu, Lokesh Kanagaraj to name a few.
Buffoon will be directed by debutant Ashok Veerappan. While Karthik Subbaraj will be presenting the film, it will be produced by Kaarthekeyen Santhanam and Sudhan S. Check out the first official look here -