The fact that the coronavirus is affecting people from all walks of life across the country, including celebrities and ordinary people. Though this is not a surprising fact, the news of top celebrities who are been loved by many being have definitely dampened the spirits of everyone.
But some news such as this one brings on a smile, and reminds us of the fact that all is not lost yet, and we can cope up soon. Popular actress Shikha Malhotra, had turned herself as a COVID warrior - without salary for more than 100 days, just for the pure love of the country.
Yes, the actress, who is a nurse, tends to COVID patients and offers them counseling and mental support too. In a post on her Instagram page, she has also shared that she had been working without salary too, but she loves doing it and she does it mainly because of her "#purelove for the #country so take care of you because i care for you."