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Actor Ajith’s shoulder injury after Vivegam said to have had a successful surgery done.

It is a known fact that, actor Ajith gave his best for Vivegam’s stunt scenes. In fact, the end credits had some goosebumps moments for audiences as it featured Ajith’s efforts with the thrilling stunt sequences. However, post Vivegam, it is said that Ajith suffered a severe shoulder injury.

This shoulder injury that was incurred during the stunt shoots of Vivegam is said to have been very painful. However, close sources reveal that, Ajith apparently underwent a 2 hour long operation at Kumaran Hospital on Thursday (September 7, 2017) and that this operation has been successfully completed. His efforts clearly prove the levels of his dedication and hardwork.

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It is a known fact that, actor Ajith gave his best for Vivegam’s stunt scenes. In fact, the end credits had some goosebumps moments for audiences as it featured Ajith’s efforts with the thrilling stunt sequences. However, post Vivegam, it is said that Ajith suffered a severe shoulder injury.

This shoulder injury that was incurred during the stunt shoots of Vivegam is said to have been very painful. However, close sources reveal that, Ajith apparently underwent a 2 hour long operation at Kumaran Hospital on Thursday (September 7, 2017) and that this operation has been successfully completed. His efforts clearly prove the levels of his dedication and hardwork.

Tags : Shankar, Ajith

Actor Ajith’s shoulder injury after Vivegam said to have had a successful surgery done.

People looking for online information on Ajith, Injury, Vivegam will find this news story useful.