Women loses 15 lakh after scammers text like her daughter in Whatsapp - details!

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Police are searching the web for a gang that swindled 16 lakh rupees from a British mother.

Women loses 15 lakh after scammers text like her daughter in Whatsapp - details!

Need money

Paula Bouton is from the Picton area of ​​England. Her daughter Sam is said to have lived in another part of England. Paula has been receiving a WhatsApp message for the past few days. Paula says Sam asked for 16 16,000 (about Rs 15 lakh in Indian currency). Following this, Paula also sent money relying on the message. But it was only later that she understood what had happened.

Women loses 15 lakh on WhatsApp after scammers pretended to be her dau


Speaking about this, Paula said, "The message came from a new number, which said, 'I'm Sam. This is my new number. Please delete the old number.' Paula, who thus believed it was her daughter, has been constantly conversing through WhatsApp. At one point she received a message from the same number asking for 16,000.

Paula has sent money on this. But Sam, who usually replies when she sends a goodnight message, is skeptical of Paula for not doing so.

Truth that came to light

Meanwhile, it was only when she met her daughter and talked about it that it became clear that Paula had been deceived. She said: "They texted very politely.

Speaking about this, Sam said, "I am amazed at how my mother immediately sent so much money knowing that there are such fraudulent persons in the world. I have mixed feelings. On the one hand I am angry but on the other hand I am sad to think of my mother.".

Picton Area Police are investigating a case in which mysterious individuals robbed a mother of $16,000 by texting her daughter.

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