WHO Director-General Under Pressure To Resign Over 'China’s Virus Cover-Up’

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Amid the growing criticism over China's coronavirus response, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is currently facing calls for his resignation over China's response to the coronavirus crisis.

WHO Director-General Under Pressure To Resign Over 'China’s Virus Cover-Up’

Ghebreyesus, is facing growing calls from US politicians to step down from his post for trusting China about the extent of the spread of the disease. As per a Fox News report, Republican Senator Martha McSally said, Tedros should resign over the 'Chinese cover-up'. She said that part of the blame for China's lack of transparency lay with the WHO director-general.

Further lashing out at WHO's Director, McSally claimed that he deceived the world and even praised China's 'transparency' during its coronavirus response. "Dr Tedros deceived the world. At one point, he even praised China's 'transparency during its coronavirus response efforts'' despite a mountain of evidence showing the regime concealed the severity of the outbreak. This deception cost lives," she said.

Looking back at February, when China reported more than 17,000 positive case and 361 deaths, Tedros then said there was no need to impose travel restrictions. He also asserted that 'unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade' were not needed.

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