US Death Toll Crosses 85,000! Check Here The Worst Affected Cities & Stats! 

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As the COVID-19 outbreak has affected more and more countries, the death toll in the US is the highest when compared to other countries in the World. Shockingly, US has reported more than 85,000 death cases, as per the data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

US Death Toll Crosses 85,000! Check Here The Worst Affected Cities & Stats! 

With the recent stats, the Maryland-based university's running tally has counted 85,066 deaths and 1,401,948 cases which the height when compared to other countries. 

As US continues to lead in confirmed cases and deaths related to the virus; UK is the second-highest in death toll with 33,692, after which comes Italy with a tally of 31,368 fatalities.

Amid all the death cases, there are more than 243,000 people who have recovered in the US. Looking at the worst-hit cities and states, New York is the worst-hit state by the pandemic. It has reported nearly 27,567 deaths and more than 340,000 cases, followed by New Jersey with 9,946 deaths and more than 142,000 cases.

The virus, which has emerged from Chinese city of Wuhan, has spread to at least 188 countries and regions. This deadly virus has affected more than 4.4 million confirmed global infections and more than 300,000 deaths, while 1.5 million have recovered from it.

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