School days are some of the best times of our life. We all remember the exhausting days, and the sleepy last period. That half an hour sleep in the class is so satisfying that we fail to recognise the surrounding when we wake up.
In a video that has gone viral, a school boy can be seen taking a nap in his classroom. As the day comes to an end, the boy's teacher packs his belongings and wakes him up. The sleepy boy wakes up, mistakes his chair for his bag, and leaves. He puts both his hands into the handles of the chair, wearing it similar to a bag, and walks out of the classroom.
The hilarious moment was recorded on CCTV. Watching the drowsy boy's antics, even the teacher couldn't help but laugh out loud. The teacher even took out her mobile to capture the precious moment.
According to a Daily Mail report, the boy has been identified as Dean Lewis Pagtakhan. The boy's grandmother, who shared the video on social media, was quoted as saying: 'you go to school just to sleep.'
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