Watch - Police threaten suspect to confess by placing snakes on him
Home > News Shots > World newsIn a shocking incident in Indonesia, police tried to threaten a suspect to confess by placing a live snake around his neck. The terrifying incident took place during an interrogation session in East Papua.

A video of the cruel incident circulated on social media. From the video, the man could be seen seated with his hands tied to the back as he is questioned about stolen mobile phones. As he writhes on the ground, an officer pushes a snake to his face.
During the video, he is even threatened to have a snake put inside his mouth and even inside his trousers. In response, Jayawijaya police chief Tonny Ananda Swadaya issued an apology and stated that the personnel interrogating was not professional.
He also offered a justification that the snake was not venomous and they did not mean to harm the suspect. He added that stern action has been taken against the personnel.
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