Video Viral: Man proposes girlfriend in the most unique way, lands into world record

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A perfect marriage proposal is the best thing that can happen to any girl making her day a memorable one. This man from Tokyo did a larger-than-life wedding proposal to his 'Miss Perfect'!

For his wedding proposal to just be timely right, this man required six months of travelling, Google Earth, GPS and a lot of dedication. After all the hardwork, this proposal landed him a Guinness World Record for the largest GPS drawing in history.

The man identified as Yasushi “Yassan” Takahashi has an incredible story, which is now creating waves around the world.

The story dates back to, 2008, when Yassan wanted to propose to his girlfriend, Natsuki. He had been creating GPS art with Google Earth and street view for over 10 years, and so he decided to incorporate that into his proposal. For Yassan, this form was a huge "Marry Me" spelled out across the map of Japan.

To get this vision complete, Yassan quit his job and planned a journey from the island of Hokkaido to the shores of Kagoshima. After six months of travelling, he covered a distance of over 7,000 km to spell out the huge proposal which also had a heart at the end. For those who are waiting to hear what his girlfriend said - obviously she said 'YES!'

According to South China Morning Post, Natsuki said "it was a big surprise to me. I felt the greatest love in the world."

Below is Yassan's journey, which was tweeted by Google recently. This video has also collected a ton of impressed comments for which people are shocked and surprised. They captioned it saying, "For over 10 years, Tokyo resident Yasushi “Yassan” Takahashi has been creating GPS art with @googleearth and #StreetView—but it was his very first drawing that was his biggest, in more ways than one →"