Girl seen carrying her severed head! What's happening?

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Girl seen carrying her severed head! What's happening?

Halloween is a festival of spooks and treats. During this time, people race to find out which of their costumes is the best. People put in a lot of effort to come up with the best and unique costume ideas to showcase to the world.


This Halloween, two-year-old Maya Hwang won the award for the spookiest costume. The little girl from the Philippines shocked locals and neighbours with her costume. Designed by her mother, the costume makes it seem like Maya is carrying her severed head.


Reportedly, Maya's mother spent two days making the costume. The costume consists of a floral dress worn by Maya with a hole in the middle where the girl can poke her head through. On the back, an extension raises above which gives the appearance of her headless torso.


Maya's mother reportedly said, "My daughter looks so sweet. Everybody loves her costume. There's also a place in the top of the dress for putting sweets. I used mostly duct tape and paper to make it and both my daughters were actually involved in the creation of their costumes."