COVID-19 Vaccine Update : Oxford Reveals Performance of its Vaccine in Final Stage of Human Trials – Report

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The COVID-19 vaccine which has been developed by the University of Oxford is in the final phase of clinical trials and it is most likely to complete this stage by end of November or early December. The vaccine has been showing highly promising results, an official said.
Oxford, along with British Swrdish firm Astrazeneca produced the vaccine and its clinical trials have already started in the United States and Brazil. The officials have confirmed that they are seeing a dual immune response in people who are being vaccinated, between the age group 18 and 33. “We are seeing good immune response in almost everybody," said Dr Adrian Hill, Director, Oxford University.
As per an agreement, AstraZeneca will start producing the vaccine in the first quarter of 021. It is expected to be made available post the first couple months of 2021, given a successful completion of clinical trials.
"As per the study design, each subject will be administered two doses four weeks apart (first dose on day one and second dose on day 29) following which the safety and immunogenicity will be assessed at predefined intervals," the official told PTI. The same design of trials will begin in India since the apex drug controller has granted approval for this vaccine to conduct trials in India.

COVID-19 Vaccine Update : Oxford Reveals Performance of its Vaccine in Final Stage of Human Trials – Report

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