5-Year-Old Boy Breaks Six World Records With 3,202 Consecutive Press-up
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A boy, dubbed as 'five-year-old Schwarzenegger', has broken six world records after a marathon session of 3,202 consecutive press-ups. Little Rakhim Kurayev did 1,000 press-ups in just 40 minutes 57 seconds and 2,000 press-ups in 1 hour 30 minutes to propel himself into the record books.
The kindergarten student, who performed a total of 3,202 consecutive press-ups, won a Mercedes and a trip to a toy shop for his impressive feat. The boy's impressive feat has been hailed as a first by Russian records supremos.
According to a Daily Mail report, an earlier attempt when Rakhim had reportedly managed 4,105 non-stop press-ups in 2 hours 25 minutes was not counted, because of problems with video footage of the achievement.
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