Dad creates app that locks children's phones if they do not answer parents' calls
Home > Technology newsEveryone has got a smartphone these days including the elderly and children. It seems that with the increasing heights of technology, the basic function of a phone - calling, is being neglected.

It is sometimes alarming when a young one does not answer calls made by their parents, creating unnecessary worries. One such frustrated father, however, decided he has had enough. The man came up with a solution to make sure that children answer their parents' calls.
Nick Herbert from West Wickham, created an app that can guarantee that a child answers a parent's text or call. What does it do? The ReplyASAP takes over a person's phone until they respond to the message on the screen.
Reportedly, a message from the app will appear on the screen and will continue to remain until its interacted upon. It will also make lots of noise even if the phone is on silent. The app was launched in August 2017 and has been downloaded more than 70,000 times. ReplyASAP is available on Android and an iOS version will be launched soon.

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