CM Palaniswami Announces New Lockdown Relaxations in Tamil Nadu From August 10 – Details

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The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on Saturday announced the relaxation of certain lockdown rules. Edappadi K Palaniswami announced that the places of worship will be allowed within the state.
However, he added that small temples in corporation areas whose annual income is Rs.10,000 or lesser can start opening from Monday. Similarly small churches, mosques, darghas, and other places of worship can also remain open from August 10. CM Palaniswami added, “Permission should be obtained from the commissioner of Greater Chennai Corporation and district collectors (for public worship).” Small places of public worshiping is already being allowed in smaller towns, and municipality areas.
Apart from places of religious worship, the CM also announced that the driving schools can start functioning from Monday. However, they will have to adhere to the SOP which will be released by the government.
He added that people must adhere to the social distancing protocols and also make sure that they undertake all necessary and recommended safety precautions to ensure that the spread of the novel coronavirus can be contained.

CM Palaniswami Announces New Lockdown Relaxations in Tamil Nadu From August 10 – Details

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