Accident caused by full fuel tank; Three things to be noted

Last week, a shocking footage of a bike catching on fire while refilling fuel at a bunk in Tirunelveli was released. From the video, a young man could be seen refilling his tank after which his bike catches on fire.


The victim, Alwin - a class 12 student was severely injured and rushed to the hospital. According to recent reports, the boy succumbed to his injuries. Alwin had requested for his tank to be filled with petrol worth Rs 1,000. Due to overfilling, some petrol spilt on the bike and Alwin's clothes. This spillage acted as a catalyst for the fire to catch.


It has to be noted that the fuel tank must not be filled to the brim. Those in charge of filling must have a close watch on the tank to avoid overfilling. In case of any spillage of fuel, one must immediately have it cleaned. Riders must ensure to not start the vehicle before making sure that fuel has not spilt.