Witty Obituary Ad by Sharon Plywoods receives appreciation

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Sharon Plywoods has been a champion of the social cause to eliminate single-use plastic from our daily lives. Once again the leading plywoods manufacturer - SHARON PLYWOODS has raised its voice against plastic.


Since the Tamil Nadu government has taken a very large step in doing away with single-use plastic in TN from January 1, 2019, Sharon Plywoods has placed an advertisement in today's The New Indian Express and Dinamani TN edition.


It is an obituary advertisement announcing the death of Mr S. U. Plastic. The ad has been received with a lot of enthusiasm by many, appreciating the creativity, wit and also the timing of the message.


The advertisement reads, "It is with great happiness that we mourn the death of SUPB (Single Use Plastic Bags) who was an inseparable part of our daily lives. Though immortal, he died because we all were irresponsible in proper disposal and he found his way into the environment polluting it. May his soul rest in peace."