'Don't Live In India If You Love Batsmen From Other Countries': Virat Kohli Responds To Fan
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Indian skipper Virat Kohli has had a brilliant year on the field. But Kohli has just got embroiled in a fresh controversy after a video of him emerged, where he was saying that those who prefer English and Australian batsmen should not live in India.
Kohli was recording a session for his official app and while scrolling through his social media feed, came across a comment in which a certain user is criticising Kohli and calling him overrated while admiring the Australian and English batsmen.
After reading the comment, Kohli responded, “Okay, I don’t think you should live in India then... you should go and live somewhere else no. Why are you living in our country and loving other countries? I don’t mind you not liking me but I don’t think you should live in our country and like other things. Get your priorities right.”
Kohli's comments did not go down well with social media. People were baffled at the Indian skipper's brazen statement.
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