Zomato tuns emotional at angry customer

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People often use the chat service provided by companies and sometimes have conversations that turn out hilarious. However, recently a Zomato user found his experience rather emotional.


Zomato user, Chandrasekhar was angry with the Zomato service. He reportedly told in the chat service of Zomato that he will never order from the food delivery app again. However, in response, the chatbot of Zomato went emotional.


The bot replied, "Every relationship has its ups and downs and we should work on the flaws of our relationships and that's what we are doing here for you so that your relationship will be more strong with us in the future."


The bot went on to say, "How do I say the words, "I'm sorry' when I know that words are not enough. And how can I ask you to forgive us when I know we had a mistake in your order. But I am really sorry from my heart for this bad experience."