"Russia's 'Sputnik V' Vaccine is Safe" - Volunteers Develop Antibodies against CoronaVirus in 3 Weeks!

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As countries are rushing with trial and vaccine production, Russia’s Covid-19 vaccine candidate - Sputnik V, has proved to be immunogenic against SARS CoV-2 and without any serious adverse effects in early-stage trials. 

"Russia's 'Sputnik V' Vaccine is Safe" - Volunteers Develop Antibodies against CoronaVirus in 3 Weeks!

According to a report, during early trials it was found that the Russian vaccine is both effective against the novel coronavirus and can produce an immune response. Meanwhile, experts have expressed their apprehensions on the sample size of these trials, saying that they were too small to prove effectiveness and safety. 

Also, according to a study published in the Lancet, researchers from Russia reported on two small trials conducted with the Sputnik V, where it involved 38 healthy adults between the age of 18 and 60. 

Meanwhile, they were given a two-part immunisation; each participant was given a dose of the first part of the vaccine, and then a booster with the second part, 21 days later. They were monitored over 42 days, and it was found that all of them developed antibodies against the virus within three weeks. 

Finally, the Lancet report declared the vaccine as “Safe, well-tolerated, and does not cause serious adverse events in healthy adult volunteers.”

Giving further confirmation on the vaccine, Russia has said that industrial production of Sputnik V is expected from September, and a mass-vaccination is also planned in October, 2020. 

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