Amazing! 4-year-old gets first ever skull implant in India

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In a huge breakthrough, a 4-year-old girl was successfully given a skull implant at a hospital in Pune using a customised three-dimensional individualised polyethelene bone developed by a US-based company.


According to reports, this is the first ever successful skull implant in India. The girl had sustained serious head injuries after a road accident on May 31, 2017. Despite getting discharged from the hospital after two surgeries, she needed to undergo a skull bone removal surgery.


On May 18, doctors removed around 60 per cent of the girl's damaged skull. Following the removal, Neurosurgeon Vishal Rokade had to undertake extensive research from surgeons around the world. He performed a customised cranial implant (CCI) to reconstruct cranial cavities and deformities.


According to the girl, the girl has become a happy child just like she was before the accident. She has started attending school.