*Representative Image*
Intimate conversations on dating platforms can often end up producing unwanted consequences. A similar incident ensued between two persons.
A 21-year-old college student from Tamil Nadu was arrested by the police who had allegedly filmed his girlfriend naked. The youth later sought the help of his girlfriend to set up a spy camera in the girls hostel bathroom and capture her friends.
The accused, identified as Siddarth, had reportedly used a spy camera to film girls in the hostel bathroom, and even went on to upload the videos on Facebook. His girlfriend, who claims that she has also been victimised, has been taken in custody for interrogation.
The woman claimed that she recorded naked videos of herself and shared it with the man as she loved and trusted him. She has accused Siddarth of blackmailing her with the videos and forced her to record other girls' footage by installing a spy camera in the bathroom.
Siddarth had even captured video of a student's mother, who was visiting her daughter in the hostel. The police have reportedly seized all the footage and taken it off the internet. They are yet to confiscate the devices used for uploading the videos.

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