HORRENDOUS! Man Raped Minor Daughter For Years; Punched Her In Stomach To Force Abortion

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In a chilling crime being reported from the national capital, a man was arrested for raping his own daughter multiple times since 2008, and impregnating her twice.

According to a report in Times Now, the minor girl was subjected to the brutality at the hands of the very man who was supposed to protect her. As per the report, the girl was forced to watch pornography before being raped.

The victim informed police that she was pregnant in 2011 and 2013 after being repeatedly raped for years. In both instances, she had to endure the brutality and was also forced to abort without any medical assistance. What is most shocking is the manner in which the girl's pregnancy was terminated on one occasion. The girl was punched by her father in the stomach, until he was sure that the unborn foetus was dead.

The father continued with his sickening crime even after the girl pleaded him to leave her alone. When the girl's mother found out, she confronted her husband. To her shock, the man threatened to shove a knife in the victim's private parts.

The horror continued until the victim opened up about her ordeal to her friend on Facebook. According to a report in Jansatta, the friend asked the girl to flee her house and come to Nagpur. Once she reached Nagpur, a complaint was filed. The case was then shifted to Delhi and an FIR registered against the rapist father under POCSO Act.