Couple divorce on same day after getting married over fight on lunch

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It has become common for couples to separate for over the most fickle and trivial matters. From bizarre reasons like the bride has a beard to silly ones like having a selfie addiction, reasons to separate is vast. It is almost like nobody wants to put in the effort to keep up a relationship.

Adding to the list of fickle reasons to separate, a couple ended up opting for divorce on the very same day they got married. Why? The two had a fight over lunch. The wedding took place in Ahmedabad and was taking place very smoothly.

Both the sides fought in the dining area over lunch. Things escalated to the extent that both even threw food at each other. The police had to be called to put a stop to the quarrel. However, they were unable to stop the couple from opting to divorce.

The groom reportedly left without the bride. The gifts presented were returned back to the guests.