Centre Announces Opening of Schools - Details
Home > News Shots > India newsThe Central Government on Monday evening announced that the schools across India can begin re-opening in the month of July. However, schools are expected to re-open zone wise, beginning from green zones, to the orange zones.

After considering that the younger children might fall prey to the virus given that they lack immunity, the government has announced that schools must only begin classes for elder students. Typically, those who study in classes 8-12 are expected to be the first to attend schools again.
The other grade students will have to continue with online classes.
However, as per the statement of Human Resource Development Minister, Ramesh Pokhriyal schools will only re-open with 30% of attendance in order to maintain social distancing and ensure the safety of the student and faculty.
A similar systematic re-opening is being planned by the UGC for colleges as well, so that the academic sector can function, with safety precautions.
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