Schools In Bengaluru Warn Parents Against PUBG Addiction

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Schools In Bengaluru Warn Parents Against PUBG Addiction

PUBG has emerged as one of the most popular games in India but some young gamers have taken their obsession too far. Ever since the multiplayer game released on smartphones and desktops, it has become a rage among the gaming community. The craze is so much so that there's a PUBG themed cafe in Jaipur.

With PUBG Mobile reaching 100 million downloads in September, it comes as no surprise that kids and adults are hooked onto the game for hours.

Such is the craze around the game that some schools in Bengaluru have begun to warn parents about the ill-effects of playing the game for hours at a stretch. According to a report in Deccan Herald, the decision comes after cases of addiction were reported to the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences.

Shocked by the number of cases, several schools have asked parents to keep a tab on the number of hours their child spends playing the game. 

As per the report, the Associated Managements of Primary and Secondary Private Schools Karnataka (KAMS) will also issue advisory to parents asking them to restrict the number of hours students spend on the game.

“We will ask our member schools to write to parents about this. We have, in the past, had discussions with the education department on imposing restricts on the number of hours a child spends playing such games," KAMS was quoted as saying.