Man involves in 'Dangerous Trick' to avoid paying House Rent; Thrilling ‘Twists’

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Sunit Bhadana, a 22-year-old man in Delhi was bleeding profusely around 5 Pm on August 22 (Thursday). He was rushed to hospital from Amar Colony police station. The initial investigations revealed that Sunit was shot twice by his landlord Varun Juneja for not paying rent. Therefore the police officers detained Juneja for further investigations.

According to Sunit's statement, he had rented Juneja's house to run a paying guest facility. It turned out that Sunit and Juneja had heated arguments over the delay in paying house rent which accumulated to Rs. 2.25 lakh. “On August 23, Juneja entered the house and shot me in the shoulder and thigh. My brother, Naveen, rushed me to the hospital," Sunit was quoted as saying to the police. Upon searching the Sunit's rented house police, found his statement authentic after recovering blood stains and empty cartridges.

However, the twist alerted police while investigating the landlord Juneja who directly denied shooting Sunit. Moreover, he did not try to escape after hearing that the police was looking for him. The turn of events aroused suspicion for police. The last statement Juneja gave was that he had gone to collect rent from Sunit, an argument broke out between them and he was asked to come by 8 Pm to collect the money. The police found a number of mismatching statements and decided to interrogate Sunit again.

When police reached the hospital, Sunit went missing and the hospital staff told that he had gone LAMA (leave against medical advice). Therefore, police went on a hunt to nab Sunit and arrested him in his sister's house in Shastri Nagar. Later, Sunit accepted that he and his brother devised a plot against the house owner to avoid paying rent in the future. Therefore, both of them got a pistol from a gunrunner named Rafiq from Rajasthan. Finally, Sunit shot himself and decided to sketch Juneja as the perpetrator.