Lakhs of Jobs already Lost, Another 20 Lakh Jobs under Threat in these Businesses! - Report

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COVID19 has disrupted businesses across the globe but some industries seem to be more affected by the pandemic than others. Bus and Car Operators Confederation of India (BOCI) represents around 20,000 operators with 15 lakh buses as well as maxi- cabs and 11 lakh tourist taxis. BOCI stated that these services provide direct employment to 1 crore people. It said that government has to support these employees in the form of waiver of taxes and interest on loans as many of them face the threat of closures.

Lakhs of Jobs already Lost, Another 20 Lakh Jobs under Threat in these Businesses! - Report

“During lockdown 95 percent of our vehicles were off road. Very few buses operated for company contracts, while some were used for transporting migrant labourers,” BOCI President Prasanna Patwardhan told the media.

“At least out of the 1 crore people, 30-40 lakh people will lose their jobs, 15-20 lakh people have already lost their jobs. Balance they will also lose their jobs,” Patwardhan said while requesting government for aid.

“From September onwards, once the (RBI order on loan) moratorium is over and when operators will not be able to pay their EMIs, that is the time when it is going to hit the hardest,” he added.

“Our demand is to waive off motor vehicle taxes and give concessions on diesel, while removing toll taxes for inter-city travel,” he said while elucidating on the need for govt support.

He also requested insurance policy to be extended for at least three months so that employees could recover the losses incurred due to the pandemic

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