New Jobs? Questions Arise As Tech Giant 'Apple' Seeks To Shift Part Of It's Productions from China To India!

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Ever since the deadly coronavirus outbreak has taken place in Wuhan city, many of the leading companies situated there have been trying to move their production units out of China.

New Jobs? Questions Arise As Tech Giant 'Apple' Seeks To Shift Part Of It's Productions from China To India!

Apple is also planning to shift 20 percent of its production from China to India.

As per an Economic Times report, Apple's senior executives and some Indian government officials have been discussing over the move for the last few days.

This plan of shifting comes after the Indian government recently announced new production-linked incentives (PLI) scheme to encourage local production in the country, Economic Times further reported.

Meanwhile, Apple contracts manufacturers, Foxconn and Wistron, for the production of its devices in India. Apple is also looking to scale its local revenue to $40 billion in India over the next five years.

Media reports also suggest that, Apple is also reportedly going to open its retail store in India soon. Most probally, it will be located in Mumbai's Maker Maxity mall in Bandra Kurla Complex. 

Amid this outbreak and crisis, earlier last month, Japan had also announced $2.2 billion in monetary support for its business to shift their productions out of China. 

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