Suicide Squad is a superhero film based on the characters from DC Comics. The film has an ensemble cast featuring Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto, Joel Kinnaman, Viola Davis and more. Unlike the most usual comic films, Suicide Squad congregates an all-star team of super villains.
With the makers going by the tagline ‘worst heroes ever’ you expect the characters of all the super villains to be cranky and extremely deadly but though they are introduced as dangerous heroes, none of them actually sound bad. Not all the characters are put to good use. Apart from Will Smith as Deadshot and Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, other superheroes don’t get their due space to establish their traits. It might be a conscious decision to focus more on Will and Margot but that leaves us to question the purpose of other super villains who hardly make an impact. From a layman’s perspective, one feels that the makers did not know what to do with the ensemble cast.
It’s an age old storyline on how a bunch of superheroes team up to fight the bad guys but the only difference here being the leads are substituted with bad guys. However, beyond a point, they don’t seem to be evil and end up like the usual clichéd hero.
The film starts by introducing all the leads. It takes its own sweet time to settle down but once the purpose of the mission is unveiled, you will find nothing but hardcore action scenes. More concentration in establishing the erratic characteristics of the leads and less on action part would have made the film a world of good.