Nakkheeran Gopal Icon of Inspiration

Nakkheeran Gopal Icon of Inspiration
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Presenter -  Nallakannu


Winner - Nakkheeran Gopal


Nakkheeran Gopal's speech - "Thanks to Behindwoods for this award. Nakkheeran is extremely grateful to those watching and present here. It has taken me 30 years to reach such a stage. On seeing Behindwoods Gold Medal advertisements, I have always wondered if I would ever get such an award. I want to thank my Nakkheeran family. As much as the award is important, it is also very important to receive it from a great person. I believe that Nallakannu should receive an award every day for his works.


A media house recognising another media house is a very big thing, so thanks to Behindwoods from the Nakkheeran family.


There are different types of media houses. The path we took ended up hard with a lot of ups and downs. Nakkheeran owes it to all those we have met and seen.


Thanks again to Behindwoods from everyone here for recognising those under the roof."