Kollywood is a plethora of techniques explaining the art of courting a woman. Here are ten tips which are sure to work in real life as in reel life for opening a sensible convo with any girl who gives you butterflies in the stomach.
Foreknowledge is vital to connect with the girl you just met. It doesn’t mean that you should do mind baffling detective work on par with Sherlock. Every person radiates information about themselves. The trick is to let your instinct and intellect assess what sort of a person she is. All you have to do here is give your system some time and listen to the information being read out.
Lack of courage is what is stopping majority of the lads from making the first move. The trick is to convince yourself how much of a difference befriending that person is going to make in your life. Hey if not for that, psychology says an interesting chat with the opposite sex makes a man mentally healthy. This will also help in making you seem genuine when you actually start talking to her.
There are high chances a girl will shut you down. One has to understand that women go on autopilot every time a stranger approaches. The trick is to have something to say which will show her you aren’t needy. A friend of mine named Arvind has this to say when girls tell him they have a boyfriend- “Cool. I have a pet dog at home” and continues convo.It actually works. Having such exit strategies for unexpected reactions will allow you to approach more confidently.
Shaky legs, twitching eyebrows, gritting teeth, itchy hair all these are going to portray you as a weakling. Watch your tone, you don't want to end up talking like a kid. Don’t tie your hands in front of her. The trick is to think inside in the tone of your favorite hero. That will actually give you the required confident posture.
The compliment is the first arrow you're going to be hurling at her so you have to make it count. Based on the foreknowledge you’ve gained you have to think of a compliment to pay to her after the ‘Hi’. It could be anything ranging from “nice eyes” to “looking hot”. Make sure the compliment is sensible and is not over rated. Otherwise she will think you are trying to flatter her. The trick is to say something about which she is desperately in need of assurance.
All leading dating experts have a unanimous verdict on where your eye contact must be when talking to a woman- Her eyes. Psychologically people in general are forced to listen to you when you look into the eyes and talk. It will also help portray you as a confident person.
A smile, a blush,or anything on the positive note means you will have to continue conversation. The trick is to not give her time to think why the hell she is talking to you. Exactly three seconds after paying your compliment introduce yourself, probably with a handshake. And make sure you introduce yourself in such a way that she is forced to introduce herself.
So you’ve succeeded in making her introduce herself. Lead the conversation by dropping in a question from what she’s told about herself. “Hey such a nice place ya Kerala...I’ve been there once” will surely lead the convo with Jessy.
On the other hand, a negative reaction shouldn't cause panic. That’s when your exit strategy is going to come in handy. You have to understand that a woman goes on autopilot whenever a stranger approaches her. Only saying something smart will make her snap out of it. You can always say “You would have disappointed me if you had blushed.” You have to prove to her you aren’t needy.
So she reacted positively for your compliment or exit strategy, and you held a convo. Soon you’re going to end up in an awkward silence. Make use of that silence and say this to her “I wish we could catch up more but I got to be leaving now..” And this is also the right situation to say “Can I have your number?”