A title is very important to a movie and sometimes it is the movie's title which creates a huge buzz before the releases. Likewise, we bring you a perfect sync of Tamil and English titles, which, when combined together forms a Hollywood movie's title. Check this out.
Design and Idea by Mahes Balu
English Film - Iron man directed by Jon Favreau
Tamil Film - Ayan directed by K.V.Anand
English Film - Kill Bill Directed by Tarrantino
Tamil Film - Billa Directed by Vishnu Vardhan
English Film - Mask directed by Charles Russel
Tamil Film - Mugamoodi directed by Mysskin
English Movie - Transformers Directed by Michael Bay
Tamil Movie - Sundara Travels Directed by Thaha
English Film - Godzilla directed by Gareth Edwards
Tamil Film - Jilla directed by Neason