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Suriya extends support to jallikattu

Jallikattu, the current hot topic in Tamil Nadu has acquired the patronage of not just the common men, but also celebrities who are joining hands with the people who are seeking the upliftment of the ban on this valorous sport.


Suriya has issued a support message in his social media page in Tamil and we provide below a rough translation of the same.


“Scholars and leaders alone have hitherto been talking about Tradition, Identity, and History. Now, Jallikattu has transformed our youngsters and common populace to talk about the same virtues. Thanks to all those who had fought for the ban on jallikattu and united the youth!


There has always been honesty about movements that start by themselves. PETA which has been wrongly propagating in the courts that jallikattu is against the bulls, has lost it with the People’s Court. It is strange that people who are responsible for the elimination of country cows are now fighting for bulls in jallikattu.


Law and governance are formed for people. We should not encourage any moves which aid in harming our eyes with our own fingers. Emotions of the people of Tamil Nadu are being reflected in the protests of the youngsters. My congratulations and wishes to all those who express their dissent in a peaceful manner to establish our basic rights. I express my solidarity.


The remonstrations of people will end in triumph and jallikattu will surely happen. There is no doubt in it. However, once jallikattu happens, we should not rest satisfied thinking that the struggle is over. We always will have to voice our opinion in unison whenever there are attempts to destroy our tradition and identity”.



Suriya extends support to jallikattu

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