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Celebrities condemn attacks on women and students

Situation in Chennai and few other parts of Tamil Nadu is getting out of hands. Film stars have condemned this attacks on women and students through their respective twitter handles.

“Seriously Not a good move to hurt women and students” - Yuvan Shankar Raja

“Very disheartening to see the situation in our state. Pls keep women and children safe!” - Jayam Ravi

“It's hurting to see women and Student getting hurt ! God be with us and let peace be upon all” - Ghibran

“பெண்கள் குழந்தைகள் நம்மை நம்பி தெருவில் இறங்கி போராட வந்தவர்கள் அவர்களை பாதுகாப்பது முக்கியம் தயவு செய்து அவர்களை வீடு சேருங்கள்  முதல் கடமை” - GV Prakash

“வலிக்கிறது-பெருமிதமும் மகிழ்வுமாகவே நடந்து முடியவேண்டிய அறப்போராட்டத்தில் (ஏன்? யாரால்?) ரத்தமும்,வன்முறைத் தீயும் நுழைந்து விட்டதை எண்ணி.” - Suresh Subha

“Ask yourself gently: what exactly am I fighting, when I fight another's fight? You'll know what to do. #LoveIsTheOnlyTruth” - Suchithra

“Hightime 2 withdraw d protest and prove that d youngsters r not d reason 4 d violence happnin around. Shame on politicians who planned this” - SR Kathir

“காட்சிகள் கண்கள் நனைக்கிறது! அறப்போரின் கௌரவம் காக்கவாயினும் கலைந்திருக்கலாம் கண்ணியமாய்! போதும் தோழர்களே”- Prasanna

“Shame on some cadres for provoking things. Leave the innocent public alone. Women, children and all students please be safe. It's gone out of hand political way. You all dint want it to be political. be safe” - Gayathiri Raguram

“Bottom line:A foreign body enters our state & has infiltrated chaos,hate & destruction amongst ourselves!Dis virus needs to b wiped #BanPeta. Everyone pls stop blaming the students and honest protesters 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻they aren't behind this violence” - Shantanu

“They controlled traffic,they protected women,they maintained peace!THE STUDENTS WUDNT HAV DONE THIS!They r d heroes!They cant b destructive” - Anjana Rangan

“Violence is dis government's answer 2 PEACEFUL & DIGNIFIED citizens No respect fr AHIMSA here This is OUR TRAGEDY #makkalmovement @PMOIndia” - Gautami

"Dear TN police.Pls don't lose the respect you have earned over these days by harming the protesters!This is wrong!" - Sibi Sathyaraj

"6 days no petrol no match box... Peaceful & nothing to burn and today all of a sudden everything burns.... who will do it??? Think wisely..." - Nithin Sathya

Celebrities condemn attacks on women and students

People looking for online information on Jayam Ravi, Yuvan Shankar Raja will find this news story useful.